Monday, February 18, 2008
From a long line of Salvationists...
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Good friends and fellowship
We stayed with the Salarishvili family in Tblissi during our educational travels. This is The Salvation Army's latest property purchase in Georgia. Property is very important to our service due to escalating rent expenses everywhere in our Territory.
Mary Salarishvili offers a walnut which has soaked in its shell in honey. Delicious!
Good Edjukation matters
Territorial Corps Sergeant Major Yuri Gulyanitsky addresses local officers in Tblissi with a powerpoint presentation on Salvation Army internationalism.
Anita investigates Amsterdam's Red Light District. The Salvation Army has a corps in this particularly disreputable part of town, and Anita attended this corps while in the Netherlands on a European Training Leaders Conference.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Georgian journey
Brad enjoys a local Georgian dish, Hingkali, in the capitol city of Tblissi while he and Anita conducted a week of educational seminars there.
Cadet Rezzo climbs the extremely tight staircase to the Georgian classroom at Tblissi Central Corps. Brad taught doctrine with the cadets, meeting them for the first time since they began classes in Georgia in September 2007. Most Georgians still cannot secure documents for travel to Russia.
Here the Georgian cadets seek warmth from a space heater due to the unusually cold weather in Georgia.