Majors Bradley and Anita Caldwell are officers in The Salvation Army who live in Tbilisi, Georgia, and serve as leaders for the Georgia Region of the Eastern Europe Territory.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Brad's sister Amy and her husband Rocky and son Cameron dropped by for a visit. Cam looks a little unsure about the moment...but he's cute!
Brad and his buddy Vic Tidman share a moment of...well, call it Christmas cheer. The Tidmans are session mates of the Caldwells, lo these fourteen years.
Captain Vic Tidman looks like a lost shepherd with his peppermint staff...we visited with the Tidmans at their corps in Gainesville, GA.
Justin and his girlfriend Faith relax in Atlanta. Faith is also in training to become a Salvation Army officer.
Our son Justin is a cadet in Atlanta, GA, training to become a Salvation Army officer. This is the cadets' Christmas pageant, and you can see Justin (a narrator) at the extreme lower right.
Two brothers hang out in the Tennessee mountains, celebrating a little Christmas cheer. Jaron and Justin also hung out in Atlanta for a couple weeks...
Our son Jason and his wife Tracy have been serving in THE Corps at Owensboro, KY. Don't they look sharp in their uniforms? Actually, they look sharp all the time.
Local wildlife enjoy breakfast on Whistle Valley Road. We managed to sneak up on this deer family...pun intended.
Brad looks over the lake below his Mom's house outside of New Tazewell, Tennessee. No Walmart out here...
Brad and Anita enjoy a walk in the Tennessee mountains where Brad's Mom and Grandma live. Very beautiful and relaxing...