Saturday, September 16, 2006

Brad stares into the sun which gleams off of this extraordinary orthodox cathedral. Perfect weather for checking out this fantastic place of worship. Posted by Picasa

The officers, cadets, and lay support personnel of the Eastern Europe Territory join in an officers councils with the General of The Salvation Army. (Please click on any picture in this blog to enlarge it!) Posted by Picasa

Majors Allistar and Carole Bate return from USA Eastern Terrotitory for a long awaited visit to the Territory where they served for nearly ten years. Posted by Picasa

This once sunken and now resurrected vessel of war is anchored in a St. Petersburg harbor. Supposedly it was instrumental in initiating the Russian Revolution of 1918. Posted by Picasa

The Salvation Army's music camp was situated next to a bay of the Baltic Sea. Pastel colors decorated the morning sky in this picture. Posted by Picasa

In Helsinki we managed to upgrade Anita and her broken ankle to a real wheelchair. Here she guards our luggage prior to our boarding the train for Moscow. Posted by Picasa

Here you can see Anita's makeshift "wheelchair" at the St. Petersburg train station. No wheelchairs were available, but we were fortunate enough to find this handy low-riding luggage cart! Posted by Picasa

Dancers from Elista performed a traditional scarf dance during the Saturday evening congress celebration. Posted by Picasa

The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory Brass Band travelled to St. Petersburg and delivered a number of moving concerts, both indoors and outdoors. Here they stand with General Shaw Clifton, his wife Commisioner Helen Clifton, and our Territorial leaders Commissioners Barry and Raemor Pobjie. Posted by Picasa

A stunning orthodox cathedral beamed adjacent to the congress site. This photo from the fifth floor provides a beautiful perspective on the church's historic grandeur. Posted by Picasa

Though not tragically, Anita broke her ankle descending the steep platform steps. She sadly missed a great deal of the Congress due to her inability to navigate the many steps at the congress venue. Posted by Picasa

Robert Snelson leads the United Camp Choir in a stirring performance during the Congress weekend. Daniel Meeks, in the red jacket to the left, bravely joins in the Russian singing. Posted by Picasa

Major Will Cundiff laughs as Captain Natasha Pismeniuk tells a tale. Will and Sue (his wife seated next to him) married Anita and Brad. Years later the Caldwells followed the Cundiffs to Moldova, and now the Cundiffs are back in Romania, serving as Regional Officers there. Posted by Picasa

A special meal with the General afforded this entertaining entree.  Posted by Picasa

The Cliftons were gracious during their entire visit in Russia. We felt privileged to spend this quality time with them. Anita previously worked with then Commissioner Shaw Clifton during his conducting this Territory's first Brengle holiness seminar. Posted by Picasa

Congress guest General Shaw Clifton, world leader of The Salvation Army, speaks to the officers of the Eastern Europe Territory during the congress weekend in St. Petersburg. Posted by Picasa

Captain Glenn Price, Russian Divisional Youth Leader and principal organizer of the music camp, prepares to play a number with Kem Pobjie. Kem demonstrates that hand is quicker than the eye. Posted by Picasa

Musicians Mikles and Crossland enjoy a hearty lunch during music camp. They travelled from the USA Southern Territory to provide musical instruction in the woods of Northern Russian.  Posted by Picasa

Brad arrived at the Salvation Army youth music camp on his birthday. To his surprise and pleasure, the youth had created this artistic birthday banner in his honor. Posted by Picasa